Sheila Watts - Know Your Numbers, Grow Your Business

Topic: Know Your Numbers, Grow Your Business
The numbers-side of your business can be overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be that way. The numbers tell the story of your business and paying attention to them can be a game changer. When you know how to use your numbers, you can be strategic in growing and scaling your business.
About Sheila Watts:
Sheila Watts is a certified public accountant who helps business owners use the numbers to grow and scale their businesses. She knows the numbers tell a story and can be the key to increasing your bottom line.
Sheila works with businesses to clear the confusion around the numbers so the best decisions could be made to drive a business forward. She believes that your financial information can be a powerful tool, making it easier to make better decisions to grow your business.
Sheila lives with her husband, two children and their golden retriever in central Arkansas.
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