Rachael & Michelle - Money Mindset Reset

Topic: Money Mindset Reset
The Money Mindset Reset Masterclass is designed to rewrite your money story so that it becomes a story about wealth, abundance and joy. During the Masterclass you will learn how your money beliefs were formed and how to change these into empowering beliefs that will propel you towards your goals. This interactive Masterclass will take you on a journey of self awareness and discovery. Rachael and Michelle will also share their healthy habits for an abundant mindset so that after the Masterclass you can continue your journey into abundance, charge your worth, increase your income and make 2021 your best year yet.
About Rachael & Michelle:
Rachael and Michelle are Mindset and Manifestation Coaches, working with entrepreneurs to help them overcome limiting beliefs so that they can earn more money and live a life full of wealth, abundance and joy.
They are NLP Master Coaches and Master Hypnotherapists with internationally recognised qualifications. They both had successful coaching businesses before deciding to join forces and have over 20 years business experience.
Rachael and Michelle work 1:1 with clients and also run a group coaching program for women interested in learning more about money, mindset and manifestation.
- Watch the training: Money Mindset Reset
- Facebook Group: http://www.scaletosix.club
- Instagram: @rachaelandmichelle
- Website: http://www.rachaelandmichelle.com
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