Michele Moreno - Video Confidence

Topic: Video Confidence for Business
There’s an art (and science) to captivating and inspiring your audience on video. Michele Moreno will help you get more clients and lead with confidence, clarity, and on-camera style with this masterclass “VIDEO CONFIDENCE FOR BUSINESS: Look great, sound brilliant & inspire trust on camera.”
About Michele Moreno:
Michele Moreno has appeared on dozens of online shows as a Video Confidence expert and as an actress on hit TV shows on NBC, ABC, Fox, FX and more. She teaches secrets from the acting world to help online leaders build trust and influence virtually anywhere. She’s contributed writings to publications by business all stars Tom Peters and Guy Kawasaki and wants you to become so clear, concise and confident on camera you become the leader the world needs.
- Watch the training: Video Confidence for Business
- Website: https://www.michelemoreno.co/
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