Jennifer McCallum - Find Your Niche

Topic: Find Your Niche
Spend 40 minutes with Jennifer McCallum to give your business the clarity it needs to reach your ideal client without spending thousands of dollars in marketing that never works! She walks you through a proven strategy that gives you a step-by-step process to figuring out what makes you great (your X-Factor) and defining your niche. Wouldn't you rather STAND OUT from the crowd then get lost in it?
Let's find your niche, create a clarity statement that you can use in your marketing and identify who and how you serve your audience so that even your mother-in-law will know how to refer you to others!
Niche your business to create raving fans that cannot wait to refer you! It's that easy!
About Jennifer McCallum:
I am a wife of 25 years, a mother to four incredible kids, a business owner for over 19 years and a Business Coach for Parent Coaches. I have published 59 parenting resource books, where I have extensive experience in the following areas: writing, collaborating, editing, printing, sales, marketing, and distribution, social media, business start-ups, mentoring, time management, clarity/business coaching and more. I have experience in nonprofit and for-profit businesses, event organizing (live and online), retail sales, online sales, membership websites, and human resources. I have worked with large corporations, government organizations, and small businesses.
I currently publish two quarterly online magazines, ParentGuide and ParentTeens, and host a website for parents so they can search for a Parent Coach -
As you can tell, parenting is my jam! I live and breathe it! I also love everything there is to know about business...which leads us here, to supporting other parenting professionals on their journey to building a successful parenting business!
I have used my years of experience and education to coach others. I am a Business Coach for Parent Coaches and helping you niche and market your brand is my passion!
- Watch the training: Find Your Niche
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